Tag Archives: tumblr staff

another time i got a threat from someone saying i was a kike who should be slaughtered that seemed to come from my school and i emailed tumblr staff about it

this time, i don’t think there was much they could do because it was an anonymous submission not even an ask, so the person would have been logged out or maybe had no tumblr at all

but i just wanted to know if they had anyway of tracking the person’s IP address given that they had been on my blog

and again, they sent me a cookie cutter response about blocking the user (WHICH DIDN’T EVEN APPLY IN THIS CASE, THERE WAS NO WAY TO BLOCK AN ANONYMOUS SUBMISSION)

so then i sent them an irate reply, calling them out for not even reading my post, asking for the information I wanted and asking what would happen if i got police involved since i was literally afraid for my safety at school

and they FINALLY responded that if and only if police got involved would they try to help me lol

tumblr staff really is garbage though

i remember the first time i got a suicide threat from someone off anon

i sent an email to tumblr staff about it and all they sent me in reply was copypasta instructions on how to block them and to take it to the police if i feared for my safety

but i had specifically said i already had blocked them in the original message and that i wanted staff to actually do something because that person’s actions were ILLEGAL and were a threat to other people on the website. I responded to them calling them out for all this, but they never replied