Tag Archives: transphobia








ok madame poopy diaper, hold up a second.  link was designed to be a link between the player and the game.  androgynous features, no distinct speaking voice, custom name… link is literally whatever the player wants link to be.  that was the creator’s intention.  canonically.  do some reading.  have some tea.  calm yourself

It’s kind of disgusting to see the things you reblog. Those trans, bi, pansexual bows? How could you support any of that. “Transgender” and “genderqueer” are just desperate cries for attention. 0 people raised in warm loving households become “genderqueer” because they already know they are loved and don’t need to lash out with making up a new gender. I love tumblr it’s like watching all of the unwanted people of the world come together and try to tell each other they are the top dogs

Why would you even stay on my blog if my content disgusts you? And of all the posts I have that you’d have a problem with, you pick some bows with bright colors to whine about? Also, I am not genderfluid to “lash out” at anyone. I’m not out to any of my family, so the expression of my identity has absolutely nothing to do with them (they don’t even know about it). But the kind of mentality you have (or at least purport to have—I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a troll, especially considering your url) that gender identity is a product of being raised “badly” is a common and harmful idea that pathologizes trans people. There are still people who have the same ideas about gay and bi people (that you’re gay or bi because your family raised you wrong). In fact, my mom thought that was the case for awhile after I came out as bisexual. I wouldn’t be surprised if you also held beliefs like that about sexual orientation. If you don’t, I guarantee you would have a two decades or so ago if you were alive at the time. The ideas you espouse here about gender are also outdated, and with time they’ll become increasingly unacceptable (basically you’re on the wrong side of history on this one).

But the funniest part about people like you is that you don’t seem to have any clue about how gender variant people have existed in many cultures all over the world for centuries. You see gender variant people in Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire—you have people of various genders cropping up in many cultures including Native Americans, Samoans, and many African cultures. I highly doubt these people were all “rebelling” against “bad households” by “making up genders”—especially when you consider that these various gender identities were widely accepted in these cultures.

I recently saw a very touching youtube series by a trans woman documenting her experiences with transition and her coming out to her parents, who accepted her immediately and were incredibly loving and supportive. It was one of the best coming out experiences I had ever seen and she was so happy—she definitely did not seem as if her gender was an attempt to “lash out” at anyone—if so, then she was incredibly happy about a failure since it made her parents and her closer than ever. Unfortunately, her experience is rare due to how much discrimination there is. If only that were the norm.

Instead, people like you have trans children and carry ideas like this and abuse their trans children. They drive their children like Leelah Alcorn to commit suicide because they see trans identities as a perversion, sin, phase, or otherwise illegitimate. You have it exactly backwards. Trans people do not “become” trans in reaction to abusive households, many households become abusive in reaction to kids being trans due to transphobia and misinformation.

Honestly, if you think trans and genderqueer people is some teenybopper trend invented on tumblr, you are wrong. There have always been gender variant people. The term genderqueer existed before tumblr even existed. I originally identified as genderqueer before I even knew about tumblr. You’re just ignorant, honestly. You also seem like an insufferable, callous person. But honestly, it’s no sweat off my back because nothing you people say can shock me. It comes to no surprise me how much people like you hate trans people. I don’t know why you think that when you send asks like this it will make a big impact. It’s just radio static in a culture that tells us the exact same things you’re saying. You’re not special for regurgitating cultural norms that we’ve all been spoon fed our entire lives. Just because some bloggers on tumblr disagree with you doesn’t make you edgy. The way people like you obsess over what we say and do on here, in fact, makes you pathetic.

How do you feel about how much discussion is centered around DMAB non-binary folks on this site? By that I mean, seems like lots of DMAB bloggers are non-binary, still present as male, but they seem to dominate the non-binary/trans blogging circles.



Well anon I actually have a lot of thoughts and feelings about it that I will outline here in an numerically indexed manner because I don’t want this to sound too much like an unstructured rant.

  1. I think you’re wrong about the idea that DMAB folks dominate non binary spaces on this site, from my experience this site is mostly dominated by non binary DFAB folks but that perspective is based on which blogs you follow and which tags you browse, making this just anecdotal conjecture at best.
  2. Idc about this site in terms of that, I care about my life outside this site where I know maybe 2 other DMAB non binary folks but a whole lot of DFAB non binary folks. That doesn’t bother me because I think the weird intra-queer fighting about representation is reactionary and ridiculous but still my point stands.
  3. I think we should problematize the idea of “present as male.” Its already vague and non-binary bodies already problematize it. Take myself for example, I am DMAB and non binary. Most days I’m rocking a little bit of facial hair (too lazy for makeup to cover usually) and wearing clothing mostly composed of stuff from the women’s department but not really particularly gendered. I generally get read as a man, albeit a queer one or in the words of several strangers at me school as a “tranny” or “faggot”. Is this “presenting as male?” Maybe but I would suggest my very existence problematizes that idea and that most non binary bodies (dmab or dfab) do as well.
  4. Who gives a fuck anyway? Why would anyone be concerned by this question? Why do we feel the need to compete with our trans and queer comrades? What does that gain for us? What bothers me is not that in my experience dfab non binary folks get more attention, what bothers me is that I get harassed, yelled at and threatened by strangers for being non binary. And you know what, thats a struggle many of my dfab comrades face too.
  5. Basically this seems like a passive aggressive dig at dmab trans and non binary folks and the attempts that we make at maintaining autonomy, dictating our own terms of presentation, and the ways we choose to engage the world around us. Thats an attitude I don’t fucking have time for.

dunno what tumblr anon has been scrolling tbh

Trans student says university staff kicked him out of a locker room


San Diego State University supposedly bans discrimination based on gender identity and expression. But that’s not how A.T. Furuya sees it anymore, after he was kicked out of a college locker room because he’s trans.

Furuya was fixing his hair in a men’s locker room at the recreation center when a stranger started shouting at him to leave. Here’s what he says happened:

The man’s verbal attack quickly became “sexually violent,” Furuya added. The assailant allegedly yelled, among other things, “Get your titties and go across to the other locker room. That’s where the women are. And, if you don’t go, I’ll remove you myself,” according to LGBT Weekly.

That’s when Furuya’s friend Thomas Negron Jr. demanded that an Aztec staff member intervene — and was shocked to see how the staff member reacted.

“Instead of getting security, the ARC staff member walked over to the aggressor and started apologizing, and being all apologetic to the aggressor, and telling the aggressor they understood why they felt uncomfortable and then turned around and asked my friend to leave the locker room,” Negron told KGTV. He and Furuya say the first staff member was joined by two others that all demanded that the Negron and Furuya leave; Negron called campus security when he began to fear for their safety.

Furuya eventually left the locker room on his own terms, even though he knows he had the right to stay. But he’s speaking up now as a way of demanding that SDSU practice the inclusion and equality listed in their own policies. It’s truly shameful that it takes something like this for a school to show its true colors when it comes to discrimination. 

Trans student says university staff kicked him out of a locker room

i wish people wouldn’t misgender me

i wish that my gender could stay more static/consistent

I wish that I could be feminine without having to worry about people misgendering me

I wish I didn’t care about what gender strangers perceive me as

I wish I could change my name legally without it costing anything

I wish I could make up my mind 100% about what name i should take

I wish people wouldn’t make assumptions about my gender

I wish I would stop feeling fake

I wish I would stop feeling scared of trying to explore my gender

I wish that I didn’t suffer more when I try to present in a way different from my assigned gender

Sometimes I wish I never realized I was nonbinary and just stayed how I was before


hmm, a cis woman needs breast implants or and all she needs to do is go to a surgeons office with enough money and schedule. a lot of people will shame her for it, but that’s really the extent of it. a cis man with gynostigmatism can walk into the doctor’s office and get his breasts removed and no one would blame him for it. hell, a cis man wants to be sterile all he has to do is sign a fucking paper.

but if it’s a trans woman seeking hrt, bottom or top surgery, etc…therapist after therapist, paper after paper, “are you REALLLLLY sure you want me to alleviate your dysphoria?” after “but are you REALLLLLY sure you wanna go through with this?” 

hell, it’s almost impossible for a trans man to get a hysterectomy.

in 2015 i’d like everyone to examine the double standard that exists with trans people seeking healthcare.

Apparently according to the Terf’s it’s LGB now.





Fuck the rest, and trust me B will be gone soon too.

B’s been ignored enough anyway. How long before we stop being a group. It’ll just be L

A lot of hardcore RF and TERF’s just want the L and they want control of the L.

They’ll be in a tug of war with conservative gay men (like Aravosis) who want it to just be the G.

not shocked by any of this tbh